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Alateen is a fellowship of young Al-Anon members, usually teenagers, whose lives have been affected by someone else's drinking. Alateen groups are sponsored by Al-Anon members who help the group to stay on track.

Alateens come together to:

  • Share experiences, strength, and hope with each other

  • Discuss difficulties

  • Learn effective ways to cope with problems

  • Encourage one another

  • Help each other understand the principles of the Al-Anon program

  • Learn how to use the Twelve Steps and Alateen's Twelve Traditions

  • Is Al-Anon for you?
    Many who come to Al-Anon/Alateen are in despair, feeling hopeless, unable to believe that things can ever change. We want our lives to be different, but nothing we have done has brought about change. We all come to Al-Anon because we want and need help.
  • How will Al-Anon help ?
    ​In Al-Anon and Alateen, members share their own experience, strength, and hope with each other. You will meet others who share your feelings and frustrations, if not your exact situation. We come together to learn a better way of life, to find happiness whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not.
  • Who attends Al-Anon meetings?
    Everyone who has been affected by someone else's drinking is welcome in Al-Anon - parents, children, spouses, partners, brothers, sisters, other family members, friends, employers, employees, and coworkers of alcoholics. No matter what our specific experience has been we share a common bond: we feel our lives have been affected by someone else's drinking.
  • Do I have to say anything at a meeting?
    ​No. If you would rather sit and listen, you are free to do so. We try to listen with an open mind by practicing the slogan, Listen and Learn. We also say “Take what you like and leave the rest.” The group chairperson will call on those who wish to share.
  • How much does it cost?
    There are no dues or fees in Al-Anon and Alateen meetings. Most groups pass a basket for voluntary contributions. Members are asked to contribute what they can afford, so that the group can pay rent, provide literature, and offer support to local and worldwide service centers.
  • Is Al-Anon religious?
    ​Al-Anon Family Groups is a spiritual fellowship, not a religious one. We avoid discussion of specific religious doctrine, and members of all faiths (or of none) are welcome. Our Twelve Steps ask us to find a "Power greater than ourselves" who can help us solve our problems and find serenity. Each member is free to define that power in his or her own way.
  • How do alcoholics affect families and friends?
    Over 95 percent of alcoholics have families, friends, and jobs. They may function fairly well, but some part of their life is suffering. Their drinking causes a continuing and growing problem in their lives, and the lives they touch. The disease affects all those who have a relationship with a problem drinker. Those of us closest to the alcoholic suffer the most, and those who care the most can easily get caught up in the behavior of another person. We react to the alcoholic's behavior. We focus on them, what they do, where they are, how much they drink. We try to control their drinking for them. We take on the blame, guilt, and shame that really belong to the drinker. We can become as addicted to the alcoholic, as the alcoholic is to alcohol. We, too, can become ill. That is why alcoholism is a known as a family disease, everyone is affected.
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If you are a parent/guardian of a child who is, or has been, impacted by some else’s drinking, and want to know more about Alateen, please contact us.
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Chat live with other teens in scheduled meetings. Young people aged 13 to 18 who have been affected by someone else’s drinking are invited to share experience, strength and hope with other teens.
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 Explore Al-Anon literature, containing thoughts and stories from those affected by a loved one's alcoholism. Take it with you anywhere, anytime for support.
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